
Alaa Shaheen trains at the American University in Cairo, Engineering Services, the German Institute for Academic Exchange (DAAD) and at Beit Al Karma Consulting teaching courses in proposal management and writing, solutions through relationships and thought leadership (STRT), fundraising, monitoring and evaluation. He is a certified trainer from the International Labor Organization. Engineer Alaa has a M.Sc. in Project Management from Brighton University, United Kingdom, 1996, and a B.Sc. in Construction Engineering from the American University in Cairo, 1994.

Alaa Shaheen has served for 15 years as the Middle East Business Development Director for AECOM, one of the largest U.S. based global engineering and international development firm. He has practiced and acted as Client Account Manager, Capture Manager, Proposal Manager, Proposal Coordinators for several winning proposals worth 150+ Million US$ of international development projects funded by USAID, EU and the World Bank in addition to winning private clients contracts including General Electric, Pfizer and Thomson Reuters among others



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