The new courses’ dates will be announced after Ramadan

Writing and Managing Winning Proposals
22 February @ 12:00 pm - 29 March @ 3:00 pm EET
$225Writing and Managing Winning Proposal training course covers proposal management tools, opportunity capture management techniques, creating proposal winning strategies, writing persuasive narratives, proposal detailed outline, content development of the most required proposal sections, suggested content examples and appropriate graphics. The introduced structured management and writing processes will make technical writing more effective, quicker, and even more enjoyable.
This course will provide participants with the fundamentals of pre-writing and proposal management work needed before heading to actual writing as well as with proposal writing fundamentals enabling them to draft persuasive content of the most required proposal sections. These foundational skills are imperative to develop first-class, technically-sound, content-rich, persuasive and winning proposals.
Course days: Saturdays.
Early bird fees (2 weeks before the course starting date): $190
Read more and waiting list registration: visit course page